Reverence and Gratitude

Settling into the new year has been quite the journey as I kept trying to find “the best word or idea” to pinpoint my current station in life.  After many attempts, it became more than clear that Reverence and Gratitude were “the best words” to pinpoint and clarify where I am, and most at peace.  

Solitude and Authenticity:

As I reflect over the entirety of my life, the single most defining realization was choosing the opposite road many around me traveled as the obvious and easy road never gave me the opportunity to just “BE the true ME”.  

Early on, I learned I could walk alone while walking with others. This way of being led me to a perspective centered around authenticity.  This truth of authenticity was revealed so many years prior, but I allowed my youth to fulfill its purpose before allowing the truth to fully manifest itself.

This path of authenticity led me to self discovery, acceptance, and most importantly, peace.  Each incident that was to break me never did, and I kept wondering and asking why.  I often remembered my great grandmother and grandmother saying “make a way out of no way”, while watching my mother and father do the impossible.  Their mantra and actions to this day still reverberates through my core – – and for that I’m grateful! 

Focus, Determination, and Flourishing:

Their manta and actions on numerous occasions were applicable. But, when in my wine career, I requested to take over the position of the Rhône wine buyer at MacArthur Beverages in Washington, DC, I was denied that opportunity – – notwithstanding my education, national and international travels, exposure, and credentials. This incident changed everything, as my experience in the wine industry was ignored. 

Specifically, my manager sat at his desk, had a conversation with one of my colleagues regarding who he was going to select to be the Rhône buyer in my presence. There was silence, and then I heard the scribbling of pencil on paper and then the ripping of paper.  I knew something was communicated that he didn’t want me to hear.  Once they left the office, there in the waste bin was my future of being the Rhône buyer at MacArthur Beverages – – it simply read “Terrance wants Rhone No Way!”

From that moment on, I knew I had to “make a way out of his “No Way”. And that’s exactly what I did.

Being employed by one of the most well known and recognized wine establishments by the public and my peers in the wine industry had its advantages, and using it to my advantage was my focus. I stayed on my path of authenticity and built rapports that to this day are respected friends and allies in the industry. 

I also cultivated a life that speaks to and for me, as I’ve allowed myself to just “BE”. This approach has and continues to serve me well as the postings in Sagacious Palate are a personal testament to what can be accomplished when you are authentic, focused and true to yourself. Also with the funds I received from being employed at MacArthur Beverages, I managed to stock my personal cellar with some of the best producers in the industry that I now have the pleasure of enjoying – – stress free.

Achievement and Validation:

Speaking of the best in the industry, the photos below speak volumes and are piercing examples of building meaningful rapports and maintaining allies. I was able to meet these two celebrated trailblazers and luminaries of the wine industry after leaving MacArthur Beverages, which on countless occasions I was told was not possible and would never happen. 

Hmmmm, I wonder why??? 

The first, in the garden of Clos de Lambrays with Madame Lalou-Bize Leroy and the second, in the cellar at Domaine Romanée Conti tasting from barrels with Monsieur Aubert de Villaine.  

It’s a tribute to one’s character when you confront and transform that which was intended to stop you, into that which sustains you. 

When one denies you, be patience, as there are others waiting to let you in.